
Meeting with the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

Meeting between the management of Kravt Investment and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N. Minnihanov.
On August 15, the management of our company held a working meeting with the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. During the meeting, Kravtsun V.A., head of Kravt Invest, presented a project for the construction for 4* Hotel with 250-rooms in Kazan. The project included a detailed description of the carefully elaborated infrastructure of the future Hotel, which will be located in close proximity to the Kazan International Airport and the newest International Exhibition Center KAZAN EXPO, as well project included first architectural visualizations, the main features of future project and its work.
Kravtsun V.A. drew special attention of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan to the main socio-economic indicators of the project, paying attention to such important issues for Kravt Invest LLC as the number and quality of jobs created by the future Hotel. Care for employees and high social responsibility have always been one of the main advantages of the company, which has been appreciated by the Leaders of the Republic of Tatarstan, and new jobs in hotel industry will provoke a cumulative effect in the economy, which will entail increase in jobs in related industry, which is also useful for the city.
Quality expertise of Kravt Invest LLC, the company’s reliability, attention and special approach to work on each project, were appreciated by the Leaders of the Republic of Tatarstan deservedly, at the meeting it was decided about cooperation and the schedule of project was approved. According to it, by the end of 2018 all organizational legal issues will be resolved, a plot of land will be allocated and an agreement with the Government of Tatarstan will be signed.
KRAVT INVEST thanks R.N. Minnikhanov for his high confidence and the opportunity to become an integral part of the city of Kazan!
2022-11-13 01:49