
Valery Kravtsun about the benefits of service robots and their implantation into the business

Service robots help people and businesses to solve non-production tasks, for example: house cleaning, customers service, cooking, carrying out medical diagnostics. And in some areas, they turn out to be more profitability and more efficiency than ordinary employees.
More about robots’ useful functions and how to introduce them into business, describes Valery Kravtsun, founder of Kravt Robotics, in his column for RB.RU.
According to the report of the National Association of the Robotics Market participants, in 2018 the volume of robotics systems from the domestic market was estimated 7.5 billion rubles, out of which just 2.5 billion are industrial robots.
Their connection to all sorts of tasks in production from petrochemistry to automotive industry- has become customary.
Meanwhile, so-called the service robots have become widespread and popular, they take part in human daily life and able to do some useful work which does not belong to industrial processes.
In 2019, according to the information from Research and Markets – the volume of global market for service robots exceeded $ 17 billion.
There are many kinds of service robots, they include almost all types of process automation outside of factories and workshops, but usually they are divided into robots for home and professional use. The first category includes, for example, entertainment robots, and to the second- medical robots, scientific, military, and nurse robots. Robots are divided not by function but by the direction they work. For example, for HoReCa segment will include robots that are able “to do the housework”: take out garbage, vacuum floors, make coffee- do all those actions that are hidden behind word “chores”.
2022-11-13 01:50